[otrs] Is it possible to purge all tickets and start new without losing the config?
Paul Dale
2006-04-26 11:21:15 UTC
Is there a way to purge all tickets and restart the numbering?

After testing I want to delete everything in the system except the
queues,users (config) and restart the number.

Additionally, is it possible to number from 1?

We would like to have a simple incremental number 1,2,3, etc ...


2006-04-26 11:38:48 UTC
yes it is, search mailinglist for numbergenerator.
the last given number is kept in a file that is named..... aaargh dont
remeber, search mailinglist.

Post by Paul Dale
Is there a way to purge all tickets and restart the numbering?
After testing I want to delete everything in the system except the
queues,users (config) and restart the number.
Additionally, is it possible to number from 1?
We would like to have a simple incremental number 1,2,3, etc ...
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Yashpal Nagar
2006-04-26 11:48:43 UTC
You need to config this in your condig file i.e <OTRS_HOME>/Kernel/Config.pm
$Self->{'Ticket::NumberGenerator'} =
# Ticket::CounterLog
# counter log
$Self->{'Ticket::CounterLog'} =
For more options look at the <OTRS_HOME>/Kernel/Config/Defaults.pm

<OTRS_HOME>/var/log/TicketCounter.log is the last ticket allocated.
Which you need to set 0 for next ticket to be 1 ;)

For more info look at the docs.
Post by V***@de.mecglobal.com
yes it is, search mailinglist for numbergenerator.
the last given number is kept in a file that is named..... aaargh dont
remeber, search mailinglist.
Post by Paul Dale
Is there a way to purge all tickets and restart the numbering?
After testing I want to delete everything in the system except the
queues,users (config) and restart the number.
Additionally, is it possible to number from 1?
We would like to have a simple incremental number 1,2,3, etc ...
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Paul Dale
2006-04-26 12:07:54 UTC

----- Original Message -----
From: "Yashpal Nagar" <***@linux-delhi.org>
To: "User questions and discussions about OTRS.org" <***@otrs.org>
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: [otrs] Is it possible to purge all tickets and start new
withoutlosing the config?
Post by Yashpal Nagar
You need to config this in your condig file i.e
Post by Yashpal Nagar
$Self->{'Ticket::NumberGenerator'} =
# Ticket::CounterLog
# counter log
$Self->{'Ticket::CounterLog'} =
For more options look at the <OTRS_HOME>/Kernel/Config/Defaults.pm
<OTRS_HOME>/var/log/TicketCounter.log is the last ticket allocated.
Which you need to set 0 for next ticket to be 1 ;)
For more info look at the docs.
Post by V***@de.mecglobal.com
yes it is, search mailinglist for numbergenerator.
the last given number is kept in a file that is named..... aaargh dont
remeber, search mailinglist.
Post by Paul Dale
Is there a way to purge all tickets and restart the numbering?
After testing I want to delete everything in the system except the
queues,users (config) and restart the number.
Additionally, is it possible to number from 1?
We would like to have a simple incremental number 1,2,3, etc ...
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Archive: http://lists.otrs.org/pipermail/otrs
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